2 down, 1 big one to go

Our first two home studies are behind us! The next one is October 20, at our house this time. You know what that means? CLEANING PARTY!!!

And you are invited. ;)

In the meantime, I am in search of a glider/rocker. I have been looking on craigslist like crazy. If you see one cheap somewhere - give me a call. My goal is to put it in the future baby's room, and sit in there and pray for our future baby, the future birthmother, our social worker, and us as parents. I know, good idea, right? So, not mine, but I like it!


  1. I will help you clean!!! And I will sit in that room and say prayers with you too if you ever need it!

  2. Michelle, we have 2 gliders! I need to check with my husband, but we could possibly sell you the second one for very cheap if you're interested. It's got lovely forest green cushions but I'm sure they are pretty easily re-covered. Let me know if you're interested and I'll check with Jarred!


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